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About US
Primavera Furniture
About Us
We are an unconventional team here at Furniture Services: Formed over thirty years, recruiting and training in our own image to arrive at what we are today. Plenty of good humour and a natural willingness to help each other, without request, is at the core of our working day.
We are friends with each other, our customers and our factory colleagues.
These relationships are important to us.
– As the maxim goes: “You cannot train people to care. Neither the individual, nor the team, they have either got it, or they haven’t!”. – If there is one particular secret to what we do; this is it. - Our people ‘care’.
Having this in our culture makes everything else pretty easy. A passion for designing, making and delivering beautiful furniture is a bit of a help too!
Why choose Furniture Services?
Great design resource, successful track record in all sales activities, commercial products, fabulous service, efficient and effective sales support are some of the many features we can proudly hang on our hook.
As the saying goes … “a glimpse is worth a thousand words”. With this in mind, we encourage you to visit our UK showroom, meet the team and see for yourself.
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